Sunday, August 21, 2011

In memory of my old Nikon...........

This is a close up of chicory that I had brought home for my wife to view.  She was painting a landscape with lots of grasses, wild chicory and Queen Anne's Lace.  I won't be taking any macros with my Nikon Coolpix anymore.

I took my camera along to visit the neighbor.  I slide it into my pants pocket and when I retrieved it to take a photo on the way, the monitor screen is blinking wonderful modern designs.  It is  making strange sounds, clinking with the rapidly blinking of the various designs.  The monitor is fried.

I will not be taking pictures of the backyard rose anymore.  I had taken three different shots in different directions.  This is one of my favorites.  No more macros from my maroon coolpix.

I first bought this camera to take along to the wedding of our youngest son in Maine.  That was almost two years ago.  It has been a good camera but never really gave me great landscapes with out a tripod.  In the scheme of things it really was just a great portable camera  that gave me good and bad photos.

If I caused the monitor to go bad I am going to feel badly.  I really think it is an internal wire connection or device.

My neighbor slammed a car door on her Nikon and the monitor didn't survive that for sure.  I never dropped mine but I did carry it around in my pocket a lot.  I suppose that is a bad thing.

The photo at left is Cadillac Mountain in Maine.

Just as flowers eventually fade I guess my photography career has faded.  I will have to borrow the big camera from my wife, but it is too large to stick in my pocket.  Maybe when my lottery ticket wins I will buy a new camera.

Thanks for stopping by........................I will still be around with a stockpile of photos of the past to share.  When the stockpile runs dry I will have to make arrangements for a new imaging machine.


  1. Oh go buy a new will be miserable without one. That backyard rose is beautiful:)

  2. Yikes - might be a good time to start looking for a new camera now - before the new cameras come out for Christmas time. You might find a great clearance deal.

  3. Sad -- I loved my Coolpix but then I was seduced bu a Nikon D90...
