Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Perfect imperfection.........

The color is so great and the lost petals are an addition to it's perfect form.  It still puts out a great show.

I found this to be an interesting composition even though it is the entrance to the house on the farm when it is all locked up. It brings up a song to my mind of Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.  I will let you figure out which one of the above used the entrance frequently.

The phlox in my garden  continues to thrive but it is getting about time for it to drop it's flowers. I passed by them yesterday and the fragrance is so wonderful.
Have a great Tuesday.......I have many projects lined up to do but won't be able to get to them all.  I will pick and choose what to do around the weather.


  1. The title of your post says so much. Lovely photograph. Long live perfect imperfections.

  2. i read if you deadhead the phlox that it will rebloom - i'm going to try it.

  3. Phlox smells heavenly..your photos are all great. Maybe Cher is in that basement:)

  4. lovely garden shots!

    I hope you are enjoying cooler weather... here is is a toaster
