Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Volunteer vine and morning glory vine.......


I like the vine on my trellis but it actually is a hops vine.  A bad vine when you want morning glory blooms.

On the other side of the trellis, a morning glory is creeping up the ladder.  I will have blooms but they are late this year. They grew from last years plants and there are three vines growing.

Another thing that is late this year is the ripening of the tomatoes.  I have roma tomatoes but they still have not turned red.  It looks like it will be the third week of August before I pick my first tomato.  The yellow squash vine is putting out lots of blooms and I have a few small squash.  I think they will do fine even though they will need all of the fall to mature.

I spent the day yesterday trimming out mulberry trees on my property bordering the alley.  I am trying to take back that area and take it down to have nothing growing there but grass.  I want to mow and keep mowing anything that is volunteer in growth. I will need to remove a few small stumps.  There once was a set of peony bushes and some flowering shrubs but they are all going to go for the sake of ease in upkeep.  I trimmed back my very old lilac and also the neighbor's lilacs got a trimming by me also.  I know the city was ready to gives us warnings soon so I took us both back into compliance.

So today I will fetch the farm truck and take a few loads of brush to the city landfill site.  I had branches accumulating from the storm damage to my silver maples a month ago and it will be good to be rid of it all.   It is cold today and it is a good day to work outside.

Thanks for stopping by..........

1 comment:

  1. Our tomatoes look smaller than yours, I don't think they will ever ripen. The cooler weather is a real relief:)
