Saturday, August 6, 2011

A story unfolds...........

I was out the other day with my camera and the yellow swallowtail butterfly would not hang around for a phtoto shot.  Yesterday I was out mowing the orchard area and cutting back a few tall weeds next to my tomato patch and look who showed up. 

I know that you want to see more but not today.  I had a monarch show up also and 55 photos later I have a story to tell.  I couldn't believe how they both cooperated. 

I had a surprise call yesterday from my older brother saying he was in Kansas.  I thought that was strange as he lives in Arizona but he and his wife are driving back for his wife's  class reunion of her Methodist Nurses School class in Des Moines.   They will be in the Osceola area for ten days or more.

Forty minutes later I received a call from the other brother from California and he was flying in to Des Moines soon.  He said he was coming for his fiftieth class school reunion and by the way do you have a couch for me to sleep on?  So we had instant company last evening and he left for his celebration this morning.  I hadn't seen him for three years and we may get to see him again once more on Sunday.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Pretty photo and I'm anxious to see more pics and read the story! How odd that you heard from both brothers so close together.

  2. Well my brothers who are older than me are close and so they probably planned to be back as the same time. As an afterthought they would have said shall we call Larry?
    I do have some plans but I can shuffle a little.

  3. What a coincidence, I posted butterflies today glad your family is coming to visit you...nothing like a reunion with family or friends!

  4. have fun with your brothers! That is not much notice for company..especially staying on your couch company:(
