Friday, August 5, 2011


My photo leans a little but I will go ahead and share it now.  Turtle keeps her company everyday and she keeps collecting water in  her trough.  Maybe I should have said the photographer seems to be leaning a little too much.  I was grilling corn and burgers and took a quick snap while I was out there.  It was very hot so I didn't stick around  to see if the shot was square with the world.

Geraniums are so simple and yet so complicated in their shape.  Do you see the four hearts?

It is zinnia mania as I have so  many photos of the zinnia patch.  I like how this one front flower leans so that it is a top view while the others are tipped with a three quarters turned position.

Spent time in Osceola yesterday and we are both tired.  We are walking away from the place now and the only time we will go down is to mow the yard.  We have nothing left to do to the house.  The realtor said we had it in pristine condition and it will be an easy house to show. The realtor officially put the sign up today and our responsibility towards the house is done.  

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. You have made me hungry talking about grilling burgers and corn!

    The zinnias and geraniums are so pretty and colorful and your statues are great too.

    You and Della have worked very hard on your parents' house. I'm prayerful that the realtor can quickly seal a deal. Hope you both enjoy the weekend.

  2. The Zinnias are so pretty, I hope to plant seeds next year.
    Yours just seem to grow and grow.

    I know this is a sad yet happy time for you, selling your parents house is such a final closing of a chapter. You have worked so hard to put everything up to standard, I hope it sells well for you both.

  3. Sounds like you've done strenuous work on the house. Best wishes for a quick sale.

    Your zinnias are quite amazing. I'm not really familiar with them, but these close-ups are making me think I should include some in my garden. Hmm, wonder how they will take to cool and damp conditions...

    The UK Met Office promised us a 'barbecue summer', but it hasn't materialised!

  4. Good to hear you turned it over to a Realtor..they will deal with the people now..less hassle for you. I know you just want it to be sold and over with before winter. :)
