Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A flower discussion.......

This particular color of zinnia must have good germination properties as it is the only color that I have on one end of my zinnia patch.  It is seed from last year flowers and it has done well.  I didn't intend for it to be one pure color.

The west end of the patch has different colors in it.  I know that there are a lot more blooms to come as these plants are just now getting started in blooming.

Taking the big dog to the vet this morning and then maybe I will start to mow some of my lawn.

You can see here that it is tall and very green.  We had 98 degree weather again yesterday and it stays green if you don't scalp it.  I may take two days to get it all done as it may be warm by the time we get back from the vet's office.  Barney goes today and Button goes on Friday.  The need general check ups and a few shots too.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Those are a wonderful color for zinnias. They look lush and happy.

    I just mowed yesterday and am glad to have that done once again.


  2. I sure love their neon colors and they look so lush and healthy!
