Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday's things.......

As if I don't take too many shots of flowers now I will show you my future shots that I will be taking.  The hibiscus is ready to show it's colors probably in another week.

Bugs do like the flowers too.  I was out mowing yesterday with the camera in my pocket.  I would stop every once in a while as this wonderful yellow swallowtail butterfly kept darting in and out of the flowers.  As soon as I would stop mowing and pull the camera out of my pocket, it was gone.  I could cheat and show you last years photo of one but I will get that shot sooner or later.

Two years ago I planted a special zinnia from Martha Stewart seeds of a white flower like this.  When it came up, it turned out to be a short zinnia with great white blooms.  Two years later I am still getting white zinnia seed but now it has turned into a tall normal height zinnia.  Genetics are a marvel but I am too old to study the field anymore.

Barney survived his visit to the vet and I was able to mow a half of my yard on Wednesday after we returned home.  Barney behaved well as the young girl assistant made over him and he was just so nice for here.  She even rubbed his belly for him and we don't get to do that very often. He weighed only 52 pounds down from last year.  His weight seems to move up and down depending on how many dog biscuits that he is  getting on the side and also the weather.  He has a skin condition that seems to come with laying in the grass so he gets to take a pill for that now.  It will quit when the snow starts to fly or when whatever plant he is allergic to dies back for the summer.

Thanks for stopping by........we cooled down about 10 degrees less today, what a relief!