Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall activities.....

I spent two hours at my neighbor's house yesterday helping her with her iris bed.  It had become so crowded with rhizomes that it took an hour just to dig them all up out of the ground.

Her iris are mostly hybrids and the blooms were so few this year because it was so overcrowded.  I dug and she took the dirt away from the roots and got them ready to be replanted.  We added a new fresh bag of top soil on the area and I proceeded to replant the bed.  It was all done in random order so we don't have a clue which color is where.

Another neighbor came over to help and watch and she received some roots also.  This pile is ready for me to trim back the leaves and to be planted and maybe today I will do that.  It seems hard to work out there when it is so cold.  I will dig a new bed and if I don't have enough rhizomes I will go get more as we had a large bag of them left over from the reworking of the bed.  In my younger days I would borrow a tiller and plant them all but I don't have the energy for that or the time.

I could potentially have one of these iris plants but there won't be a way to know until next year when they start to bloom.

My brother from California is back to attend a family reunion.  I was not going to go but since he flew all the way back to go to it I guess I can drive an hour south to attend it.  The food will be great and I haven't been to it for a couple of years.  We are sort of the youngest of the older people that attend and there are younger grandchildren that do attend.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Dividing iris is quite a big job but they will be so very pretty next Spring.

    Hope you and your brother have a nice time at the reunion.

  2. Hope your irises do well for you. I'd be surprised if you see much bloom next year though, as this is a bit late. They prefer to be moved in July August. However you are further south, so hopefully.....

    A family reunion an hour away, and we weren't really going to go? We need to plan something like that around here in the next few years, but everyone is so spread out. Seems we only get together for funerals anymore - sad commentary.
