Sunday, September 25, 2011


I didn't have my camera with me over at the bean field so I picked a single stem of a soybean plant.  They put out tall stems that grow close together and as you can see they put out groups of three pods up and down the stem. Three beans seem to be the rule for how many each pod produces.

This field which is across the street was planted late as the alfalfa ground was not doing well. They took a disc and destroyed the hay field and planted soybeans instead.  This field will be one of the last ones to be harvested as it is a few weeks behind all the other soybeans.  This stem would have twenty seven beans if it were to make it to harvest.

Soybeans are being harvest here in our area as I saw fields that had been cleared on the way to Perry, Iowa yesterday. I actually saw the combine in the field doing it's job.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. My best friend from college grew up in south GA and her family grew hundreds of acres of soybeans. As many times as I visited, I actually have never "seen" the plant up close!

  2. I don't know if there are field soy beans, equivalent to field corn, vs eating soy beans vs sweet corn, friend just showed me that you take the pods, boil them for four minutes, drain, then sprinkle with salt. Then you pop the beans out and eat them. You can also pay a lot for the same thing when they are called edame.
