Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fall has started........

Stella put out a couple of more late blooms knowing that these will be it's last before the snow. 

This is the last of the coneflowers and they too are fading fast.  It is not a pretty sight.

Have a good day and thanks for stopping by...............


  1. Our gardenia and mock orange bushes are re-blooming! I've never had this to happen but we are enjoying the fragrance.

    Do you have goldfinches that eat the seeds from the coneflowers?

  2. Lovely photos.

    I hope fall starts here sooner rather than later. It probably won't be until some time in Oct/Nov.

    Enjoy your holiday today and have a great week.


  3. Husband and I are in love with the look of cone flowers when we drive past gardens, so we just started a cone flower garden. Hoping for good results next year. It is in an areas which hardly grows grass...???
