Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Learning the ways of a camera.......

I am figuring out my wife's camera.  I was out yesterday morning and tried it out again to see what could happen.  I had to stop as the battery light came on and the camera shut down.

As my wife keeps telling me that it is our camera as we did buy it as a shared machine.  My wife uses it a lot to photograph her artwork that she places on sale on the internet.  It is a good camera.  It does do better if you use a tripod with it as I get a lot of movement with it.  My point and shoot was more forgiving with that but then I didn't have as clear of a result as I do with this one.

When we travel it requires the case to protect it and the two of us can not be shooting pictures as the same time.  That is why I had another.  Also this guy won't slip into a pocket for spontaneous shots.  Oh well, I will get use to it and will learn more about it as I use it.

A few more romas that I laid into the wooden wheelbarrow while I was picking and photographing.

It is Tuesday already and I don't know what I will be up to for the day.  I may get called in to sub and if not I will be down on the farm.  Everyone take care and thanks..............for stopping by my blog.


  1. Very nice photos. Hope you will have a nice week. We had tornadoes all around us on Sun. afternoon but no damage at our home.

  2. Yes, I got an emergency call to go in to school and sub for a guy's who son was sick. Middle school science, Larry the science guy.

  3. Hi Larry the science guy..you took good photos with Della's camera...it is nice of her to share. Those tomatoes look really good:)

  4. Hi Larry, happy back to school (I think). What type of camera is it that you were talking about in this post. I should say what brand and model.
