Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sculptural forms.......

I thought I would dust off a few photos from my piles of visual images saved in Picasa that share my enjoyment of sculptural forms.  Some are a little kitschy and others are what they are.  It is just a little journey in my past photographic endeavors. High Greek art is isn't, low dimestore design, yes, probably.

Today's assignment it to be a music instructor to middle school and high school students.  I have a few free periods as the guy I am subbing for also does tech work between classes.  Kids have a lot of energy in the morning and as the day moves on they slow down a little.

Thanks for stopping by..............


  1. Music, that can be a dicey one. I enjoy teaching music if it is instrumental, but if it is just a day plan of games and theory quizzes etc - can't wait for day to end.

    Looking forward to hearing about it.

  2. nothing wrong with lowbrow! We can't survive all the time in the upper atmosphere.

  3. Fun photos today, Larry. The lady that backs up to our house keeps 6 pre-schoolers during the day. They NEVER slow down!!!!!

  4. Hi Larry, the snoozing garden gnome is my favorite here.
