Monday, September 12, 2011

More of more.....

I am sorry but I have so many zinnia photos and need to use them as that is all I have for my resource today.  We will be hot today and by Wednesday it will be cold. We are hitting our diverse changes in the weather season.

Another weathered holly hock. For the flower being white, I really do like all the texture that you cans see with the color white.

One last cluster of blooms on the phlox holds on while all the others have faded and are gone.  My back yard growth of ditch lilies are starting to flatten and yellow and soon the leave will start to fall from the hydrangea.

Of what value is an inexpensive thermometer that always, and I do mean always, has the wrong temperature.  The sun messes with it, the air conditioner messes with it, and being close to the door that effects it.  I will move it and see if I can get it to be correct.  It is always reading too hot.

I am subbing in an At Risk room which they call a Success Room.  It is a place for those who can get so distracted that they can't do homework. They need help with directions and also I got to read some of Homer today to one of the students while he jotted down vocabulary words and wrote in his journal about the story. I like being in here but the structure is loose and I need to just keep them all working on something.

I see evidence of the same cold that I caught from the students last week, still manifesting itself and spreading throughout the masses.

Have a good day and thanks for stopping by to visit my site.


  1. I'm thoroughly enjoying your flower photos. I miss the different trees and flowers at our old house.
    We have bathroom scales that are about as crazy as your thermometer!!! I think the time has come for us to purchase new ones!
    Today was sister's first day teaching in the 2nd grade - I'm sure it won't be long till colds/viruses start the rounds in IN also.
    Take care.

  2. Sounds like a good teaching assignment. I like those ones, but they seem to be few and far between. Did three days of Grade 7 last week and then unfortunately the teacher decided to return. Nothing this week so far, although, I think I have been requested for Grade 2, for 3 days next week - just have to wait for comformation.

  3. There is no such thing as "posting too many beautiful pictures" of Zinnias. The colors are so vivid. As fall arrives, they will soon wilt away, except in our memory . . . and in your pictures! Thank you for sharing.
