Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday's Posting

A zinnia with it's floral crown seems to be a little weathered. The rains aren't hard on them except that the whole stem likes to lay down on the grown but the wind does beat them up a bit.

The statment is so much softer with this fading rose that what you see in zinnias.  My wife's camera is a marvel compared to my retired joint and shoot.

It has been hot and Yellow Kitty prefers to be out on her porch than in the cool basement.  She lays in the sun and them moves to the shade.  Her serious job of guarding her territory goes on into the night until  I bring her inside to guard the basement.

Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping by my blogspot...............


  1. Yellow Kitty is beautiful - and the detail of the zinnia is amazing. Enjoy the day!

  2. I like your Zinnias and Yellow kitty looks good:)

  3. Send some heat here, Larry, please...
