Friday, September 2, 2011

Harvest of the present and the future.....

My tomato growing was a sad endeavor. I have just a few roma's and the one normal sized plant has grasshoppers making caves through the tomato.  I will throw this one large one away as it has been chewed up too much to save.

My success story will be the yellow squash crop.  I have nine of these as of last count.  There are more but they are probably not going to make it to maturity by the first frost.  I will show them all to you when I get them picked.

A followup story on the moving of the hostas is now complete.  I  have a photo of the hosta that I moved out from under the redtwig shurb and now it will be growing in sight for us to enjoy.  I split it and have two different areas where it is planted.

I got switched.   I was suppose to be in an air conditioned room yesterday at school while subbing, but I didn't get to stay there.  Another staff person called in sick and he was the shop teacher.  That particular building is not cooled and is an older concrete block building.  It was cool most of the morning and then the sun started to warm up the block walls and the humidity set in for good.  We all were windblown from sitting around with the three fans blowing to keep us from being too hot. Yes it was more of a good thing that me, the guy, went out to the shop to teach and the young lady took the social studies classes.  I was good with it and it was a somewhat good day.  School actually was let out early as the many portions of the different buildings are not cooled and the heat was too much for some of the classrooms.

I did get called to come back in today to be the shop teacher again.  I guess the guy is really sick.

It is Friday and I hope you all have a great weekend.  We have no plans here but may find a brother in law and his wife to eat breakfast with one of the mornings.  Take care.......


  1. Well, the tomato crop may have been small but what we have is very tasty. There is something to be said for eating them all while they are fresh.

  2. We will definitely be comparing supply teaching stories throughout the year. We have one more week before school starts here in Ontario.

    Don't you just love when you are booked for one class and then get switched at the last minute - I find it is rarely an upgrade - usually, "oh an older man, he can handle the crappier class".

  3. Hope you and Della have an enjoyable weekend. I am a big fan of hosta plants. The many variations are beautiful and to be able to split them and move them around is a bonus!

  4. Our tomato crop was minimal this year, thank goodness for my SIL whose crops were spectacular, and he was kind enough to share.
    The squash makes up for your tomatoes, it looks delicious.
    I love Hostas however they need shade, something we don't have close to the house..yours looks healthy.
    Enjoy your breakfast and the long weekend.

  5. Well your tomatoes look great to me..ours are still green.
    I hope you have a great weekend and have a good visit with your brother:)

  6. Trying to teach, and to learn, in the heat must be so difficult. Here the schools are back and my daughter is complaining because the heating isn't on yet in school.

    Your squash and tomatoes are gorgeous. Real bounty of summer.
