Thursday, October 13, 2011

Birds that I have known.........

Seagull of North Shore of Minnesota

Hen at the Des Moines Zoo

Peacock at the Des Moines Zoo

Parrot at the Des Moines zoo

Hy household, Jack Sparrow

Kennedy Airport, New York

It is a theme day of archived photos. I am a Special Education teacher today and will be on call to help all needs that come before me.  I thought I would share some old photo of birds that I have captured in the past.  It is Thursday and Friday is coming.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Great photos, Larry. Your Jack Sparrow is very handsome. Hope your day is going smoothly and hang on til Friday!

  2. Some fine birds. Jack Sparrow looks like quite a character.

    Spec Ed - sounds like fun. French for me, and my French is abysmal. Oh well the day plan is well laid out, so is going quite well.

  3. Larry, I have seen some of the same birds, including a peacock at the Salisbury Zoo (MD). Does Jack have Capt preceding his name, like the Johnny Depp character of Capt Jack Sparow in the Pirates films?

  4. No, our Jack Sparrow does not have a ship the Black Pearl so he is just a nemesake of the real Captain Jack Sparrow. Our bird does have his attitude though.

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