Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wishing to go back outiside.....

I dug the oxalis last weekend and it already is leaning toward the light.  I enjoy it in this window all winter but maybe I will have to move it to the larger dining room window.  I have another smaller start of this to dig and bring inside and maybe it can be set here instead.

The hostas are all in the decline stage.  Some are totally wilted and turned yellow.  I transplanted a larger hosta this early summer and divided it into many new plants, so I should have some more mature specimens next year to enjoy scattered all over the back yard.

It might be music to some one person's ears but it sure wasn't to mine.  When I was in the band room all day I was entertained with the kids coming in to do lessons.  I could not give them a lesson but I did demand that they practice.  They don't want to practice much and they think it isn't necessary.  
The toughest ones to listen to are the drummers who don't have music to play with as they beat the drum.  I know they are suppose to learn the beat and lead others but these guys needed to follow along for a while.  .  I think if they were playing with music that they could learn tempo a whole lot faster.  The sixth graders vary in skill and I did complement one guy who was more aggressive as he played and seemed to know rhythm. 

I remember the story of my oldest son who played first trumpet in the High School Jazz Band.  They competed often and played the same three songs while attending the different events. I could hear those three songs in my mind in my sleep.  The drummer that played with his senior year was just the nicest guy and was a good drummer, but Andy our son, said he found that the drummer was always following him instead of the other way around.  Not being able to play anything I never noticed it until he pointed it out to us.

It was a long day in the band room yesterday.  I had three different large groups come in and then I had little elves, come in throughout the day, each with different skills.  The girls with clarinets doing Christmas music were pretty good.  I told my wife that I had become somewhat bored being someone else yesterday though.  It can make a person wish to go back to middle school math.  Not!!!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Wednesday.


  1. The title caught my eye, I have the exact same sentiment. Everything is on it's way out and had to bring in my potted plants. Oh well, will just need to rest up for spring.

  2. I am envious of your ability to overwinter plants. Anything in a pot is sure to die with me!!!
    I don't envy you being in the music room yesterday. I can remember my sis practicing the same song on the piano over and over for a recital. My brother and I would go nuts!!!
