Monday, October 3, 2011

The bounty......

I have given one away already and I have promise a few more to another neighbor friend.  I need to find a cool place to store these so we can enjoy them all winter.

Be careful out there with your miter saw.  I got sloppy and tried to cause great injury to myself.  Fortunately I only tore the skin off the top of my thumb.  I drug my hand under the blade as it was coming to a stop.  The actual realization that I could have lost my thumb made it worse than the  experience. Yes it did hurt a lot and we have a pressure bandage on it to keep it numb.

I have never really had an accident with any power tool before this. Obviously I will be monitored by someone for a while while sawing and also I will be more aware than ever of the dangers of power tools.

It has been since Saturday and my brother in law had me using a chain saw today taking down some stubborn hard wood trees.

We didn't have a lot of tomatoes this year but we continue to get a bunch like this once a week.  We do get fresh salads that way without having to buy the hard ones from the store.

Have a good day and thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Ouch !
    I'm always scared of power tools, they make light work of chores but oooh, one slip...hope you recover soon.

    Your vegetables look delicious, and so the season ends, despite more tomatoes :)

    Have a great week.

  2. So very sorry about your thumb, Larry.

    Your harvest photos are great.

    Have a good week.

  3. So glad your injuries were limited. I use a mitre saw quite a bit, and I know how easy it is to get impatient and reach in too quickly - great reminder for me to exercise more care.

    I love the new header photo - your own work I assume.

    Wow your squash were prolific. I think I only have about three butternuts in the garden, but we will enjoy them.

  4. Larry, glad your injury was not as severe as you said it might have been - ouch. The butternut squash should keep for quite awhiel in a cool location. They will make great soup or bread or can be served roasted - delicious any way. you can also make a pie similar to pumpkin.

  5. I bet that hurt! I hope it heals never really appreciate a finger until you injure it:)
