Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The alley view.....

While checking out the river birch I looked across the alley and saw the neighbors maple tree peaking over the roofscape.

The zinnia beauties are almost gone now.  I captured this with the Canon and it acts funny with reds just like my point and shoot camera. It is a great color but not the real color of the zinnia.

I did battle with a chainsaw today keeping it running so I could cut up trees down on the farm. I am not a mechanic that understands the chainsaw that well but I am learning.  I bought a new spark plug for it and it ran like a charm.  A new chain also made a great difference in my sawing successes.
Needless to say I may not be able to walk tomorrow with all those new muscles I found while using the saw.

It warmed up nicely today and it was a good warm day.  Everyone take care and thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. I have a twenty-five year old Stihl, that still runs like a charm, although it doesn't see much use anymore, since we bought a house, sans stove or furnace. But yes it is a great workout.

  2. Hope you won't be too sore tomorrow. Glad you had a nice day to be outdoors.

  3. Love the autumn colors and your zinnias are pretty even if they're not the true color.

    Chain saws can be such an aggravation. Glad you got yours to working like a charm. Hope you're not to sore tomorrow from all the work.


  4. Wondered if the neighbor's tree got to meet you chainsaw, Larry.
