Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday morning.....

It is Monday and I am a Science and PE instructor today.  The majority of the first hour class are out canoeing the Des Moine River for a field trip.  I have only one student that didn't go.  It will pick up the rest of the day as middle school pe will be packed with more than 35 kids each class and the other high school science classes will be normal.

The rose is one of those carefree ones that put out smaller roses. Their color is just as strong, but they open up into a simple petaled flower in a day or two and then they are gone.  It is one of the last rose blooms of this variety. I still have one more bud on another bush to watch as it opens.

The white edged petunia's are doing well but there is always one in the bunch that puts out a little different flower.  I was told that the variety was Cherry Frost and this one does not have the white edging.

It is getting time to get the rest of the outdoor plants in as we are stretch our warm weather a litttle.  It would be better to bring them in a few at a time rather than bring them in one evening in a panic because we would be predicted a hard freeze.  I do that most years and then forget to dig the glads or dahlias.  I can move most of my potted stuff into the spare room with the birds and not disturb them other than shock them in having warmer weather inside.

The zinnia's are gone.  I will pick flower heads the next few days and then mow them down.  I have some burning to do, which we are allowed, but it has been too dry. I will wait until after the rains before I will clean up my stick pile and leaves.  Yes we can burn.  If I take it to the city dump site they burn it out there, so I guess I just as well save the gas on the trip out there and burn it here. The landfill will not take any of it and there isn't a composting system set up in this town.

It was a busy weekend and my Monday seems to be a slow starter.  The ferral cat that we fed most of the year left us months ago with four kittens.  I saw her today when I left for work and I told my wife she was out there. I know she will get fed well.

Thanks for stopping by on this Monday.


  1. The rose is a real beauty. Funny about the petunia being different from the rest; that's a very nice color.
    Our neighbors are from IN and are amazed that they can leave their flowering bulbs in the ground over winter here in GA. I know you have a big job ahead digging and bringing in potted plants.
    Glad to know the ferral cat is ok and yes, I'm sure she has a full tummy by now!!!

  2. Hi Larry, The kitty is she pregnant again? How many mouths will you have to feed? Any ideas where she has been?:)
