Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No migration.......

My wife did a little research about this year's migration of the monarch butterfly and she found that they missed us by many hundreds of miles. For some reason the took a route that was west of the flooded Missouri River this year. The temperatures and weather apparently effects the movement of the group of butterflies as they travel south to Mexico.

We did have a dozen or so yesterday out on the zinnia flowers.  It was, I suppose, what one would call a minor migration.  They were headed south but they were a small bunch and really are late by three weeks or more.  Maybe next year they will decide to come through Iowa again as they have so many years.

My wife took this wonderful shot a month ago when we had just a few hanging around for the summer.

The red leaves are always my favorite on the maple trees.  I am not looking forward to them being gone as I really don't think I am ready for winter.

Thanks for stopping by and take care.


  1. I was wondering if they missed you..your photos last year were awesome. Hopefully next year! Most of our leaves are gone..I am not looking forward to winter either:(

  2. I just came from my Kansas friend's blog @
    http://gardenonsherlockstreet.blogspot.com/2011/10/late-asters.html and she mentioned that her asters always bloom in Sept. but this year they are just now blooming and the butterflies are enjoying them!
    I love your wife's photo of the butterfly on the zinnia and those red leaves are very pretty too.
    Hope you have a good week.

  3. Maple Lane shared your blog link with me.
    Interesting about the monarchs. Maybe that's why I'm getting tons this year.
