Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Splash of Color

When one has only a select small amount of flowers of which to take pictures my audience gets to see the same flowers over and over again.

These leaves are almost gone now as this picture was taken a few days ago and now they have withered in the wind.

It is Saturday and we are going to go to the bookstore this morning.  It  has been a long time since we have ventured out to go any place but the grocery store.

It is getting to be time to start raking up and clearing flower gardens.  I have a few weeks to get it all done and my leaves don't really fall from the silver maples until November.

Have a good weekend and take care.  Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Very nice Cherry Frost petunia - grew them a couple of years ago and was impressed.

  2. Those Petunias are blooming their heart out ..great color! Have fun at the bookstore! :)

  3. Very pretty petunias. I visited Barnes & Noble Bookstore this a.m. As much as I enjoy the books, I love to smell the Starbucks coffee brewing as well!
    Have a blessed Sunday.
