Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall views......

Looking up the street with blurry glasses.  I was out at dusk and the camera gave me a little bit of a watery eyes effect. Blurry!

Looking across the street as the leaves are changing.  We will be in full color in a few more days.

Eventually I will get the squash into the house but for now they are just a part of the arrangement. Yellow kitty has a water bowl in the photo too.

Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. As I said on your other blog, I think the Fall Foliage is especially lovely this year.

  2. Very pretty fall colors. Guess it won't be long til Yellow Kitty begins to stay in your basement for the cold weather.
    We drive a few miles down the road to the lake every few days checking on the progress of the changing leaves. You seem to be about 2 weeks ahead of us in the color department.
    Have a good weekend.

  3. I'm envious of your squash -- some varmint got all of ours.

  4. Great fall arrangement..the wooden box, the table, the cream can, and I cannot put a name on that black belongs on a farm and may have something to do with farm machinery..anyways I like the whole thing:)
