Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday's Wanderings........

I looked at the African violets today at Lowe's and I resisted the temptation.  I have a lot of them even though most of them are all the same color.

What I did buy was a bag of tulip bulbs.  Our ground is not frozen so I can still get them into the soil.  I bought them for under two dollars. I have not planted new ones in a few years so it will happen the next few days.

I looked at the Christmas cactus and found this one to be the right size and price.  I don't like how they put their starts in the soil in such a random way.  It looks like they did it while they were moving down a conveyor belt. They need to root in more and maybe they would stand up a little more.  I am not so sure that the potting soil is the right thing for them as it looks like starter soil and not real soil.  It is light and fluffy and the pieces act like they could fall out of the container.

I haven't had one of these for a long time and I actually had more colors than pink to choose from.  The white ones are nice but the red one really caught my eye.  I really don't need more plants to care of but these plants take a lot less care and watering.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope everyone will have safe travels for tomorrow and that it will be a good Thanksgiving Day for you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures today. I love looking at houseplants this time of year but my cats make it impossible for me to have any. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
