Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The dogs in our lives.......

Barney was a rescue dog who ran in circles and under tables banging into everything on the way.  He has mellowed out a lot and as you can see he has the luxury life of napping on the love seat.  He loves the cold weather and really does like sleeping in the old bay window as it is cooler there than in other parts of the living room.  Yes, I know the dog shouldn't be on the furniture but the dogs seem to be the boss of me.

Button Dog walked into the light for his photo shoot.  He doesn't seem to mind if I take his picture.  We have had a bad week with him but all is better now.  When he gets something in his fur and we are not around to notice it, he takes it out of his fur.  The problem is that he takes it out of his pulling the fur and all.

We have had him do this before and we never know what is going on until he has taken major areas of fur off of his body.  It was a mess.  We were gone for the art show and when we came back he had cleaned off the fur of an entire inside of his back leg.  He had hit other areas also and then he would stop.  Once he gets the fur out, he has pain and then thinks he still needs to remove the stinging areas. He becomes this nervous mess and me and my wife become a nervous mess.

We have had to sit with him night and day to keep him from continuing to hurt himself. He would sleep with us wrapped in a towel and we still would have to waken and stop him from bothering it.  We found a disinfectant spray with aloe in it that actually seems to numb the area.  His turn around time started about two days ago and he slept through the night completely last night for the first time in seven days.  He doesn't know that he is making it worse and his licking it really does help it but he also disturbs the healing time by licking it too much.  With the spray, it seems to settle him and he just falls down on a very soft towel and then sleeps.  He is out of the woods but we still sit with him if possible just to keep the healing going.

One time he had a cockle burr stuck under his chin and he then removed all of the fur from his chest before we knew what had happened.

I am going to finish today's blog with a remember when photo.  Our spring was so green and sunny.  I thought it was a nice memory to share.

I am a physical education teacher part of the day and a techie man the rest of the day. No school tomorrow so I will sleep in to 7:00 then.  Thanks for stopping by my posting for the day.


  1. My dog is the boss of me too. He doesn't get on any furniture except the bed. Sometimes I feel like it is his bed and he only allows me to share a small amount of his space.

    That is sad about Button Dog. Those lick wounds are difficult to deal with. I hope he is better now.

  2. Both of your dogs are so sweet! What great pictures today. So sorry about Button. We had to take Magic to the vet last week with an allergic reaction. Always something but they do give us so much joy.
    Glad you have a short week. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Larry, Your story of Button Dog's week put tears in my eyes. I had a Papillon who had "hot spot" disease. It is awful for the dog and the owners. I understand is is just in their genes. I am glad that episode ended. Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday. And the time of year when we start to use the handedd-down quilts of our families. Than you for your beautiful photos and your wife's art and all thle happy things you share throughout the year. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Melissa.

  4. You are in good company..our dog is our boss too..at least he thinks so. Poor Button..would your spray and some vet wrap work? The vet wrap is inexpensive and comes in all colors..I get it at a Farm Supply Store and we use it for carving to protect our thumb on the non glove hand. I used it when my trigger thumb gave me fits too..you would just have to be careful not to wrap it too tight! Hope he is better soon! I have blankets on all the furniture..Chance likes the Love seat best too:):)

  5. Your dogs were so cute and I love them. How was you dog?Is he ok now?
