Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our Sons.......

While going through the farm house of my father in laws for the last time I found these laying on a shelf.  The house has been without an occupant since my father in law came to live with us nine years or more.  Sadly the people who like to take things for free had entered the house so many times They had removed items from it and ransacked the rest. Windows had been broken for easy exit's so the interior was really in bad shape.

I was surprised to find these two guys laying on the shelf.  I was surprised that they hadn't stolen the shelf.  Andy's picture on the left needed a lot of cleaning as it was laying out in the elements.  Aaron's picture was still in the folder and his photo is in perfect condition.  The boys are actually three years different in ages but as a graduation photo they are the same age of 18 when they were taken.

Andy works in Chicago and takes a train to work each morning to the downtown area.  Aaron who is in a different time zone by two hours goes to work at Johnson's Labratories near Bar Harbor in Maine.

The baby butternut squash did mature enough that I think I can cook it.  The problem I encountered was that it had a hard freeze and the surface has cracks in it.  I don't think it will hurt it but I need to get it popped into the oven or micorwave soon.

My silver maple has lost most of it's leaves now and I did get to burn up some of my wood debris last night.  We are to turn very cold today and it will be wet for a short  while.  It is the driest October ever recorded in history.  We are very dry like our neighboring states.

I am in the storage room again today, not subbing.  There are a half million dollars worth of laptop computers that I am getting ready for distribution to the students in January.  It is a task of unpacking and repacking computers into computer cases and  the two different cords with them.  I am just trudging through the work as it gets to be way too boring.

Thanks for stopping by my biog today.


  1. It's a shame about your fil's house. Your sons are very handsome; I know you are very proud of them.
    I'm glad the little squash matured. I think I emailed you a recipe from a blog friend recently.
    We have been near 70's in the afternoons this week.

  2. Larry, nice looking sons and if only they could stay 18, such a fleeting age for us all. It's sad how folks think they can enter someone else's home and help themselves, but glad you salvaged the photos.

  3. Hi Larry, A whole group of students would make short work of that task with the computers.
    We are still dry here too..I hate to think of a no snow could be really cold..the snow does have some insulation value. We have had very little rain since July.

    Your boys are both very must be so proud of them! :)
