Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday's post.........

The catalpa is still clinging to it's leaves.  The cold rain and light snow maybe told it to give them up and let them fall.

This is a front of a drawer from an old treadle sewing machine. It was laying amongst lots of rubble and dirt and broken glass.  My plan is to just clean the metal brass pull and leave the wood in it's natural state. If it doesn't appear to look that good after the clean up, I will ditch the wood.  The machine came from a pole barn in which a variety of people stored things.  I don't think it is a family item but an in-law's family item through a brother-in-law. 

No school tomorrow so today is my Friday.  My wife and I have to be ready for a two day art show next week so it will be nice to have the day off.  I still need to go to the dump with one last load of refuse from the farm.  I hope we get it there to day and off my list of things to do.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. That's a wonderful old drawer front. Keep us posted on it. So, you've had some snow. Enjoy your extra day off to prepare for the show next week. You and Della have a nice weekend.

  2. what is deal with the farm - i think i must have missed that. glad you get a day or two for yourself.
