Monday, November 21, 2011

Ready for winter....

Woodward, Iowa

The grain in the field I believe has all been harvested.  They were still at it a couple of weeks ago but our dry weather has allowed all of it to be harvested.  I did see a field in southern Iowa last Friday that hasn't been worked on but sometimes they don't pick it.  I don't know the circumstances of it but a field can be left for no reason through spring not being harvested.

Just to let you know I did finally get my patio furniture put away for storage.  It wasn't snowing and blowing wildly this year so it was a rare sight to see me doing it on a good day.

I did get my gazing ball carried over towards the basement stair door and it will go downstairs before it gets frozen into the ground. Most years I think of it too late and it has to winter outside. I even took in most of my little statues for the winter.

I mowed over some of my flower beds this year and yet I like to leave some of the dried stems for the beauty of them in the snow. Button and Barney were wearing the dead leaves into the house and it was getting to be difficult to have to sweep them up two or three times a day.  I pulverized them with the mulching mower and that has stopped some of the leafy transporting.

Here is another one of my leaves that I brought in from the side yard.  The subtle colors and textures are so nice.  This is actually a shiny leaf and it weathers better than the silver maple leaves.  I will never have my leaves all picked up and I don't really care.  The first mowing of the spring grass will take care of any leftovers.

I am in the high school math room today.  The teacher is so sick that he wasn't able to make out lesson plans.  I hope I don't catch that particular form of viral infection.  It is a quiet day so far and I can just hear my keyboard making sounds as the students are all using their free time to catch up on homework.

I talked to my oldest son last night and he and his wife are coming to Iowa for Thanksgiving.  His wife is allergic to cats and dogs so we will be going to the Machine Shed for our meal.  We will find a place afterwards that is open to hang out for a while and then they will go back to Chicago in the afternoon,  I am going to use their visit to be an opportunity to give out some family things from Andy's grandmother.  I have another quilt for them to take home with them now that they have a home in Arlington Heights, Illinois.  The above quilt is actually my youngest son's quilt that I gave them but the one I want to give to the old son is a similar quilt as above only it is done in tan's and browns.  I thought I had a photo of it but guess that I don't.  My mom had so many quits and I will give more of them out as time allows. Photographing all of the quilts should be a good job for this winter before I send them out to new homes.

Have a good Monday and take care.  Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog.


  1. Good Monday Afternoon Larry, We had 2 inches of rain over the weekend and everyone's leaves are on the ground now.
    I know you will enjoy your son and dil's visit for Thanksgiving. What a treasure for them to have one of your mother's quilts. She put so many hours of love into each one; I know she would be very happy that the quilts are being used.
    Sure hope you don't pick up the virus in school. Take care.

  2. Hi Larry, we're doing outdoor stuff too before the cold weather sets in. Thankfully, we only had a couple of 30-degree evenings with frost, but daytime highs have been in the 60s. The gardens have all been mulched down and some chipping and trimming will follow after Thanksgiving.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Good that you are getting some company..our old Vet was allergic to dogs and cats day he forgot to take his meds..and sneezed through the entire appointment.
    I hope I never become allergic would be miserable for me as I love animals so.
    Your Mom made some lovely quilts..and it is a good thing that you are sharing them with your boys:)
