Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Too busy but......

I do have lots of excuses as to why I don't  have any pictures taken for my Creative Zone.  One of the photos I would have taken is the dozen or so art works that have been framed or matted ready to go to the show this weekend.  We work from the time I get home from school until 9:00.  We took breaks to see one of our shows on tv but we were at it for a long time last night.  I have a shortened day today at school so there will be more time to work. 

Our school's volleyball team is going to play at state on Thursday and it is 133 miles away from here.  They canceled school for that day and will make it up later in the year. The day off is a blessing as we have to set up our show in Perry on Thursday evening from 4:00 until 8:00.  The last show we did we had only 45 minutes or so to set up so this will be another great thing for us to have plenty of time.

"A Brave New Journey" was the first painting that I created after leaving the teaching field three and a  half years ago. I don't have the heart to sell it but I will be selling prints of it at the show. My wife and I have done one other show together but this one is a longer time period and we are actually getting a little excited about it.  I know we will be tired but it will be a good tired.

I will try to get photos  of our on  going work in the gallery right now including the mess and maybe can get them posted tomorrow.  My wife has been painting a lot and we have some really great work framed for this show.

Thanks for stopping by.............snow on the ground a much needed rain came our way the last 24 hours.


  1. You're busy as always, Larry. In fact, you seem even busier.

  2. Great minds must be on the same wavelength. I posted a painting of my home farm barn on my blog today.

    Grade 6 - great class

  3. Good luck on the upcoming slow, Larry. I used to do local crafts shows for my photo cards and know how much work they can be to prepare for. I really liked the Brave New Journey painting.
