Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday's a white day.

They keep hanging in there.  It is warmer close to the house so I have these petunias that just can't quit.

Another milk glass find from the burn pile.  It is actually a caster plate to put underneath a roller on a bed.  I have only one and it is just another of my collectible valuables.

My last piece is one that I call stoneware, even though it is described as being made by a china company.  I guess china is just a higher fired piece compared to a lower fired clay everyday bowl.  I assume this is from an old cafe.  I use to eat oatmeal from a bowl like this every morning. I found this in the back of a cupboard in the old farm house and I really don't think the history of it is know.

Thanks for stopping by....I am an middle school english teacher today, again!


  1. Hope your day as an English teacher went smoothly. The petunias are amazing. Now that I see it, I think I remember grandma having those milk glass castors to put under the bed. Very interesting white post today!

  2. petunias this late in November..you are really lucky! English..you really get around that school:)
