Monday, December 26, 2011

Away in the Manger......

A few snaps that I took in the afternoon on Christmas.  We had a quiet day out with Della's brother and wife at a restaurant for early brunch and then an afternoon of rest. Playing with the digital seems to be my indoor recreation but bird watching out the dining room window has become great. Even though we have no snow and the birds could find things to eat out there, they have enjoyed our feeder.  We feed them the leftover seed from the trays that the indoor birds don't quite finish.  It has bits and pieces of dried fruit, or fake dried fruit bits, that are too big for the indoor birds to eat.  The cardinals are really enjoying those as well as the other millet leftovers.

The school has given me a new MacBook laptop to use as I do work for them on there website.  They have extras right now and I don't have to check one out at the library each day when I sub. I am back at the dining room table sitting and working.  I haven't done that for a while since my laptop lost it's screen and I have to be at a desk with it and a extra large screen in which to work.

We have a day off today and it seems too busy out there in the commercial world to venture out.  We would like to hit the bookstore but most people are off work today and that would be very crowded.  We finished our belated Christmas cards this morning and will find cheesecake and mincemeat pie to snack on when we feel like we are starving.

I hope all is well with everyone and the day is going well.


  1. Beautiful Nativity photos. Like you and Della, we are staying away from crowded stores today. Great idea to share your indoor birds' leftover seeds with the outdoor birds. Does Yellow Kitty have a favorite indoor spot to watch the birds?

  2. Yellow Kitty sits in our upstairs bathroom window and watches all the birds fly by or land on the roof. She also likes to watch the neighbors feral cats roaming and she is pleased she doesn't have to go out and chase them away from her property.

  3. No stores for me..that would be torture!
    We are putting the house back in order and eating leftovers. How do you like that Mac??:)

  4. At our last house, the cats loved the view from the upstairs bath - there was a built-in window seat that they sat on.
    The funniest thing I remember seeing was the cats' expressions the day the neighbor's 3 horses got loose and walked by the window! Their eyes were as big as saucers!!!

  5. A belated Merry Christmas, Larry. I'm glad you have some time off work. I know you have much shorter Christmas holidays than we do in the UK.
