Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday's a sluggish day...

I am reposting an archived photo of my Grandmother Brooks' creations.  The reason I am doing that is that I wanted to share on new thing that I found among my mom's things.  It is a tightly rolled small bundle of newspaper. It was tied with string. As I took it apart I discovered that it was my grandma's original pattern to her wonderfully stuffed chickens traced out on newspaper. She and a neighbor bought a chicken that was already made and she took it apart to get the pattern. 

The chickens were photographed on the walnut table that my grandmother had given to me my senior year in high school.  It is a common table and yet is made of solid walnut, and she replaced it with a modern formica table with chrome legs.  She received the gray vinyl covered chairs that went with the kitchen table and she was so pleased to own it.

An archived photo of a chicken from the zoo we had visited.  She was busy looking for something good to eat among the gravel road.

While watching "This Old House" today, I thought of my own renovation project.  They were working on a three hundred year old house and had replaced the windows with restored originals.  My old house of one hundred years had two long narrow windows.  I could not restore them as they had been taken out and replaced with bad larger window.  All I could do is find a paned window that would make the room look better and also blended with the style of the house in it's present form.  I have replaced most every window in the house with the same style of window so it is uniform in design.  I have two windows yet to replace and that may come this summer.

The new window has been great for keeping the house warmer and we can watch the birds from the dining room table now.

I hope your day was a good one.  We had to return our car to be looked at again after the replacement of the fuel pump.  It seems that they didn't get the seal tight when they installed it and we had gasoline fumes continually which also set off all the sensors related to the emission system and the gas cap.

We also went in to buy and replace two major appliances today.  Buy today, deliver tomorrow they say, but we won't see a delivery until next Monday. Don't believe them when they say they have a great deal as that only happens when they have your products in stock.

Thanks for stopping by my late posting today.  I sometimes think that it is the last, I won't continue but no, I keep on posting.  I know that I am getting bored with my own stuff so I need to get out and shoot some new and different things.  We have no snow so it isn't very pretty out there.  I may have to go out and take ugly scenes.  Later.........


  1. I enjoy your posts, but I know what you mean it does get tough to say something fresh after a while.

    Maybe you just need a short break and you'd come back renewed.

    Anyway, I certainly hope it is not your last!

  2. What an unexpected treasure to find the chicken pattern! That is just wonderful!
    We always enjoy watching This Old House and other home improvement shows. That's a lovely new window for your dining room.
    I always enjoy visiting your blog and checking in with you and your wife. Hope they can get your car repaired soon and I hope the new appliances work out well.

  3. I have a chicken like those. My mom and my aunt made flocks of them in the 70s!
    I'm sure the new windows are making a big difference heating and cooling the house. We noticed a big change after having ours replace. We had some serious DRAFTS!
    Enjoy the new appliances when they arrive and I hope the car gets fixed right!
    Take care.

  4. Merry Christmas and happy New Year from a reader/looker. I'm often checking blogs on my phone, which makes commenting more difficult. But just thought you should know that k appreciate you and your blog. Unfortunately, my blogs are neglected.

  5. Oh I would enjoy seeing some of your no snow ugly photos..then maybe I would post mine too! I so enjoy your blog and your perspective..sure hope you don't quit for awhile yet. Maybe since you are at school you should post less frequently:)

  6. Ugly scenes are fine! They would be exotic ugly scenes for me.
    Good for you doing sensitive window replacement. Windows do so much to set the look of a house.
