Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday's Post.....

I took a photo of the two trains that surround my one Christmas tree.  The foreground ended up being too out of focus to be effective as a good photo.  I cropped it then instead and am showing the light shining through the trains' different cars.  I really like the colors of yellow, red and orange all in a row.

This would be a train wreck if were on a track but that would mean that both engines would be actually traveling in the same direction, one backing up while the other is moving forward.  Maybe not, I am not too smart with the behaviors of electric trains. Maybe some day I will buy one that actually works, larger than this size and I can learn more about the mechanics of them.


  1. The trains are just perfect for display around the base of the tree.

  2. I like the train photos..they look great around the tree!:)

  3. Oh, how I'm enjoying your Christmas ornaments and decorations in this post and the previous ones! I've always wanted a train running around the tree but as we've always had dogs and cats (and once a raccoon) in the house, it just hasn't been feasible.

    And I LOVE the Santa (or is it an elf) riding on the goose!

    Have a wonderful Christmas, Larry! I look forward to your photos in the coming year!
