Saturday, December 24, 2011

The last of the last....

These two will be picked up today in the morning. The framing will have been all delivered or picked up and we are done with all the framing.  The seed corn sacks were quite a challenge to sew, glue and stick to the black core backing. If we were counting all of our labor the lady would not have afforded this job. It is the reason we want out of the business as people ask for the impossible and think it is all magic when they receive the results. We make it look too simple when it is not.

When I delivered the horse framing yesterday I was able to see a new house full of many old antique furniture.  I will share that surprising and great tour that I took later.

It is still in it's box.  I will remedy that soon and get it onto the tree.  I must have bought it on super sale last year.

It is a busy day today and I hope everyone is getting all their last minute things done.  We are done shopping as of yesterday and we have to wrap presents for each other, then we are done.  Della is making mince meat pie and I have a couple of things to make and then we head for Christmas Eve services tonight.  The boys are with their in laws this Christmas and we will be getting together with my wife's brother and his wife.

I hope everyone's plans are working out and that sometime during it all you can just rest and enjoy tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by my post.

Well the lady called and said she really didn't need the framed seed sacks until next weekend, so we stopped holding off our plans waiting for her to come.   


  1. The framing job turned out great. I hope she will appreciate your time and attention to detail.

    Wishing you and Della a Merry Christmas.

  2. They look great! Merry Christmas to you and Della! :)

  3. It is amazing what people expect the week before Christmas.

    All the best of the season. I'm so glad I found your blog this year - I enjoy the daily read from a like-minded individual.

    Merry Christmas
