Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Death in the kitchen.......

Our refrigerator/freezer died in the middle of the night.  We had warnings as our milk was not keeping well for the many past months.  It wasn't working correctly and the defrosting part was really getting too warm during that process.  In the middle of the night on Monday I discovered the problem with melted ice cream.  I think the thing had been down for four or five hours. We were so cold outside that I could put most of the things that were still worth saving out on our back porch. It was below freezing at two in the morning. The next day my wife baked the frozen pizza and the cookie dough so it wouldn't spoil and we threw away things that seemed too risky to save.

We are living with a college refrigerator right now until the new appliance arrives.  I found myself stuck with many containers of red raspberries thawed.  We kept them cool in the basement stairway for a day and today I ran them all through a sieve to juice them.  We made one batch of raspberry jelly and will make another one tomorrow.  Ironically a few days ago I had taken out a batch of them and made a puree out of them for a cheesecake. Little did I know that I would be forced to deal with the rest of them.  So I was ready to save this valuable fruit.

We had our car refixed on Monday also as the seal on the gas tank was not put on correctly and it was leaking a lot of fumes.  They had removed the gas tank to replace the fuel pump inside it and they had to take it back off again to fix the seal so it was actually tight.

The third thing I am not sharing about right now is the clothes dryer.  We will have a new one next Monday.

I am blogging late for the day but will be back tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Trouble comes in must be over it now! I see new appliances on your horizon:)

  2. When it rains, it pours, right? Last Christmas at the old place we had to replace the water line and repair the furnace.
    Those raspberries look so tasty. A little taste of summertime.
    Hope today is a better day.

  3. My goodness Larry, acute systems failure at your house. I agree with your priorities - raspberries are a precious fruit. If you picked them yourself it's impossible to throw them out. You're lucky having freezing outside temperatures to have helped out a bit.
    We have just given in and ordered a new dishwasher. The old one was really limping along, but it has lasted us 17 years, which is not bad. Since we don't own a clothes drier that's one less thing to go wrong, tho sometimes when we have a prolonged spell of rainy weather and both children are home with consequent weather I do find myself wondering...However I'm determined not to give in now!

  4. Oh my goodness, why do things have to go out at the same time or need repairing, etc.

    I know you'll both be glad to get your new appliances.


  5. Losing your freezer is no fun - but thankfully you have the outdoor option until the new one arrives. I live in fear of one of our freezers failing - they are both 15 years plus and are loaded with stuff from the garden, and the Missus always purchases meat ahead, when it is on special.

  6. Good heavens! Everything is going at the same time. But it probably all was bought originally at the same time? I hope you get everything replaced and going once again. Good thing it is winter so some of the food could be kept cold.

  7. Man - when it rains it pours - I am with you i think the dryer may be the worst of all of it. luckily we live in a small town so the laundry mat is only one block away - but it does get old hauling heavy cold wet clothes on the back of the golf cart.

  8. Seems like if one thing breaks another is soon to follow. It is never a good time, but at least the cool weather helped out for some of your temporary storage.
