Saturday, December 31, 2011


Strewn on the bookshelf of the storage room are the remains of old dinosaurs.  The boys are gone and the toys still remain.   I will probably toss them but for now they lay in their own graveyard on display.  It was a thirty years ago when Andy received these as a gift from Minnesota friend. The products are still for sale today in different stores so the company has been successful.

One of my oxalis plants is doing well in the dining room window.  There are not any blooms but it does have a lot of foliage.  I fertilize the plant with the same water as the violets so I am sure it is enjoying the food.

Nothing planned for this day as we are just resting and resting some more.  We usually don't do anything special for New Year's Eve.  I hope you all are having a great day.  We are very warm for winter in Iowa and then a cold front will be coming through this evening.

Happy New Year to you all and thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Love the graveyard picture, Larry!

    Karen and I were talking/laughing that we never really did anything special for New Year's Eve growing up and still don't! In fact, I rarely stay up til midnight! I did really let my hair down today and drank a cup of REAL coffee - yes, I am a party animal!!!!!

    I just checked our high temp - it is 76!!!

    Enjoy your restful afternoon/evening.

  2. Happy New Year Larry and Della! We have snow now and it is turning windy and cold..winter is here. Enjoy the evening! I bet there is some small boy in your town that would like those wooden dino parts:)

  3. My best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!!!
