Friday, December 30, 2011

What is it????

While strolling through my storage room I found this in a box of school junk.  It really brought back the memories when I found this two colored ball.  They were crucial parts for the computer world and in a school situation it was a curse.  Students loved these super balls.

This shows a better perspective of the size of the sphere.  I had forgotten that computer mice had these balls inside of them for the use of moving the cursor around on your screen.  We had to buy a box of these to replace the ones that the students would take home with them in their pockets.

When you had only twenty computers and you had twenty students to teach in using the computer it was so disgusting to come into the lab and be short one or two of these mouse balls as two people would not be using the computer that day. I wonder if any of you out there still have a mouse that contains one of these?

With the failure of our ice box, I had many red raspberries that were thawed and ready to be eaten.  On Wednesday I ran half of them through an old fashion sieve and made juice for jelly.  We successfully made many jars of jelly with some seeds in them.  So today, with the help of cheesecloth we made up the last half of the juice without the seeds.  One of us doesn't like the seeds but I don't mind them. I have some dramatic pictures of these jars of sugar and juice that I will share on the Photo a Day blog in the future.

Thanks for stopping by my post.  We are headed for the bookstore and maybe Menards today.  Rainy and cold today but we did see the sun shining once.


  1. That jelly looks so flavorful.

    Connie/Far Side has been to Menards for their half off Christmas sale!!! Sounds like a good day for you two to browse the bookstore. Enjoy!

  2. Cool..I had forgotten about those superballs..good luck at Menards!:)
