Monday, January 16, 2012

Box in a box.......

I am assuming the big box belonged to my Grandmother as the maroon one did belong to her.

The circular part of the bracelet is not with it.  I assume it must have had a place in which to put a photo or it was some form of locket.

As you can see the woman in the picture is wearing the bracelet.  My cousin Bob sent my a copy of this photo which I had never seen until a year ago.  I had the oval photo of the close up of this photo but it wasn't as clear as this one showing the bracelet.

My Grandmother Mabel Wheeler married LeRoy Brown in July of 1913 and this is their wedding photo.  I have the bow and dress that she is wearing in the photo.

The locket that she is wearing is now owned by my mother's oldest granddaughter, Stacia Shirley. My mom gave it to her a few years ago during her fiftieth wedding anniversary party.

A Sepia Saturday site in which I have blogged about my grandparents.

I am an associate again today with a nice young man.  I travel with him to all of his classes except for pe.  I could use the exercise but the associate isn't allowed to play games with the students.  We warmed up in the middle of the night and now we are to cool down throughout the day.  We are at school today because we gave up a day for our students to go to a State Volleyball tournament a few months ago.

Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. What treasures you have, Larry. I love the bracelet and old photo, and I know the dress is very special. What a sweet gift to your Mom's oldest granddaughter - the locket.

    Hope you have a nice day! Cloudy and a bit warmer here today.

  2. I recall something made marks on my grandmas arm..hers was was size fits all kind of deal.

    What will you do with the dress and the bow Larry? Perhaps your local Historical Museum would like it for could ask..and you have a photo..that makes it even more interesting.
    We are cold up here and headed for way below zero soon:(
