Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Remembering when.....people and ships.

The freighter was moving through the canal at Duluth, Minnesota, heading for a dock in which they would load or unload their cargo.  The seeing of the large transports is the thing to see but the people element is there to enjoy.

The big ships travel the entire length of the great lakes to get to Duluth.  Many come from across the ocean to pick up cargo.  Iron ore, coal and grain are a some of the products being shipped of the port.  As they travel into the port they go through a canal that is usually lined by people watching them come into Duluth.

I guess I haven't mentioned that it is Lake Superior that on which they end their journey. I have never seen this lake iced over but in the winter the lake freezes over to stop shipping until spring.

These are photos from our visit to Duluth at least six years ago.  It is a special place for us to visit as well as the areas all along the North Shore of Lake Superior.

Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Nice blog with good content and photos!

  2. I love to watch the ships come in! It is awesome to see. Congrats on your win over at the Retirement Chronicles..it is well deserved:)
