Saturday, January 28, 2012


I made headway with the frame job above.  It is the second one that I am doing for a lady who collects cowboy, western posters. She and her son go to these cowboy conventions in which she picks up a poster for her western room.

A closer view of the poster,, which is a fine art painting that is reproduced on the poster.

The next poster isn't so flashy as it is a dark poster of older photos.  Some have been colorized but it still has an overall dark appearance. It has been hard to find a mat color that enhances it rather than make it more drab looking.

I am late getting my post done today but life gets busy and I didn't have any photos to share.  

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting prints. I imagine she and her son have a great time collecting these and I'm sure she is grateful that you frame them for her.
