Friday, January 27, 2012

Unusual finds on Friday........

Seth Thomas clockworks

As I dig through my archived shots I notice that I do take some different kinds of photos.  Still life shots of everyday objects or things that make a design that I like on the screen.

A spring that was not doing it's job

Mower parts to my old mower have an industrial look when you get the macro going. I still have this mower even though I have to beg it to start. Someday I will have a ceremony and drop it off at the landfill recycle center.


I bought a couple of orchids and I didn't succeed in keeping them alive.  I probably over cared for them as they bit the dust so to speak as the time passed.

Paint mess on a mural job

It has been a year and a half since we painted the mural and one can see the mess that comes with the job. It was one of the largest paintings that my wife and I have ever done together.

The basement of an old school house in Bar Harbor, Maine

While attending a party at the old school house I took a tour of the basement.  I could see the variety of eras of brick used that told a history about the basement.  The stone foundation was the oldest I believe of the original structure. Originally there looks like there had been a coal burner down there and the room to the left was where the coal was stored.  It was made from brick which meant they probably had wood burning stoves at first when it was built.

Thanks for stopping by today. Friday is here and I am ready for a restful weekend.  I hope all goes well for you and your weekend is a fun one.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Larry, the old clock interior looks interesting and would be a great subject for macro shots. ENjoy your weekend!

  2. Interesting variety of photos today, Larry. That old basement at the school is neat. Hope your cold is better. You two have a restful weekend.

  3. Ah should have a burial ceremony for that lawn mower that you carted all over Iowa when mowing lawns:)
