Friday, January 13, 2012

I've drawn a blank.......

Nothing creative today from LD.  I could tell you about all the aches and pains I am feeling because of the cold.  I could tell you that it was so cold that the tires on the car have a flat spot on them and then they make funny sounds while you first drive them on the street in the morning. I could tell you that we are warming up to 21 degrees F. today and that I put antifreeze in my downstairs shower drain so it wouldn't freeze.  I could tell you that I am an assistant to a special student all day but that's not new either, I have been privileged to do that before now.

So in honor of our cold weather, which they said it feels like 7 below F. right now even though it it 10 degrees F. , I will share with you pictures of my naked ladies, flowers.  They are also called surprise lilies but may be purchased under both names from flower and seed catalogs.  They would need to be planted in the fall or very early spring.

I do have a couple of seed catalogs that arrived in my mail box the past few weeks.  I don't even feel like dreaming about spring right now.

Thanks for stopping by my post.

I just pulled a converter widget onto my desktop so those in C. world can feel our pain too.  !0 degrees F.  is equal to  minus 12.2222 degrees C. 


  1. I love the pic of lilies. Maybe twice in my lifetime here in GA, have I experienced really cold temps. (below 0) I hope you warm up some and that you and your wife will have a nice weekend.

  2. Larry,
    “I feel your pain”. The cold has finally made its way to us. Last night at 09:00 PM it was raining, by 01:00 AM it had turned to snow and the wind was howling. Hope you have a good day in spite of the coldness. – gary

  3. I was surprised with several blooms from my naked lady this past summer. I had totally forgotten about planting it, it seems, many years ago, and then all of a sudden up shot the stem and then many flowers. So beautiful. It was given to me by an aunt who has since past so it was a nice reminder of her love.

    I don't comment much but I do enjoy your posts. Thanks from MN.

  4. You aren't kidding. It is COLD today. Such a change from last month. Winter finally put in its appearance. I'm thinking it could have been much worse this season, so I'm not complaining too much.

  5. It is really chilly up here..and windy too way below zero F with the windchills. I guess winter is here:(
    I like your Naked Ladies..they cheered me up for a bit:)

  6. Happy New Year, Larry.
    and Happy snappy New Year to Missie
    Dellaflower too.

    Mom said she heard that it is so cold, that someone saw a democrat with their own hands in their very own pockets.

    WOWIE, that is cold!
    WE hope you have some warmer sunny days coming soon. Here in Northern Virginia we have had very moderate temps, and boatloads of ... RAIN

    huge bonks!
