Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday's tidbits

I bought a Christmas cactus and it was blooming on one side of the plant.  It was not being cared for very well at the store. It finished blooming and now it actually is putting out new sprouts.  I will work with it through the year and see if I can get it to completely bloom. I will have to see what works best to make it bloom.

I always remember the very first pilot show of "The Waltons" when the mother brought up out of the cave her Christmas cactus in bloom. I am not sure if that was truly a way to get them to bloom but I do know they need to go into dormancy for a while.

Here is a photo of it's blooms when I first brought it home.  I had watered it and a few days later the blooms were perked up a bit.  I liked the red variety as I only remember them coming in pink.

As a cactus I am wondering if they need any fertilizer. I am going to repot it in garden top soil as it isn't so porous as potting soil. One would think sandy soil would be better but I only have rocks and not any sand.

We listened to the howling 45 mph wind all night last night and they say the wind will quit at exactly 6:00 tonight.  Light snow on the ground is an ok thing but the windchill is below freezing by a long ways and the high today was suppose to be 18 degrees F.  It has been a season of extremes.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Your Christmas cactus is a lovely color.

    Your weather sounds brutal. I imagine Button and Barney make quick work of going outdoors. Stay safe and warm.

  2. Larry,
    Keep us posted on the progress with the Christmas cactus. I have wanted one for years but have not been brave enough to commit to it, lol. Cause if I have it, I want in bloom at Christmas. – gary

  3. Larry, never had a Christmas cactus, only poinsettas and when the season was over and the flower petals fell off, I discarded the whole plant. Now, I know some folks do put them in hibernation until the next season, but I'm not much of a flower person to do that. Hope the wind howling subsides.
