Monday, January 9, 2012

Juniper Berries.......and More.

This shrub has become too big for the area that it is growing.  I have pruned it back so much that if I reduce it's size in half it would look awful..  I don't like loosing the place for the birds to feed in the winter but I do think it will be removed this summer.

The river birch continues to put out great texture and color.  It almost looks a little sloppy as it sheds in bark in such a manner.

The sun is shinning here again today.  The silver maple reflects the light on it's trunk and branches.  I do miss the leaves but they will be back in the spring.

I am in the art room today sharing my past skills with students and trying to keep from getting paint on my clothes.  I had a set of clothes that I wore as an art teacher that were always spotted with some paint spots or whatever but I did toss most of them the past few years.

Cooler weather is coming and maybe flurries on Thursday.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. must be a weird feeling being back in the art class - are you subbing in your artroom?

  2. I always enjoy your River Birch shots..such beautiful bark..I wish I could grow them up here...instead I must enjoy yours:)
