Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It is still there.....

The flower box of clutter still exists.  It is exactly what it is, a storage area in my window box of my garden shed because I haven't decided what to do with them.  I have removed some of them and cleaned them but I did add new ones over the summer.

Some of the pile has old pop bottles of the flavors of old.  The original Mountain Dew bottle was a hoot when they first created it as a Hillbilly drink. It was in the late 60's.

I did find a torpedo canning jar in this pile with a glass lid on it and the wire clamp.  I had never noticed that I owned it and it is made by a company that I had never heard of before now. When I get it cleaned up and brought into the house I will share the antique jar with you. Some of those canning jars were ones that were in an old Model T garage that my dad had torn down.

It has been a busy week for a substitute teacher but today I will be doing tech troubleshooting.  We are awaiting for the Arctic air to come swinging through sometime today.  We will warm up to 40 degrees today and then drop 20 degrees with strong winds.  Maybe we will see flurries but it isn't a sure thing.

As an act of accountability to my readers, I did get the two small trees taken down Monday night.  I have decided not to press one of the trees back into its box but instead store it with the lights attached and place it in large garbage bags.  I have the space in the basement to just sit it up and leave it ready to go for next year.

It is Wednesday and I think I am going to make it through the rest of the week.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. You've accomplished a few chores this week, so good on you ....
    I love old bottles and canning jars, the trouble is, I love most anything old :)
    I'm trying to declutter this year, wish me luck !

  2. Me too..I love the old jars and I have way too must be a sickness. I did get rid of an old pop bottle collection years ago..I recall the cool looking 7 up bottles the most:)

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  4. Hey Larry,
    How are you? Just stopping by to say hello and check out your photos. Mountain Dew was created in my hometown (Marion, Va)...yep...I'm a hillbilly!!
    I hope all is well with you.
    Take care,
