Monday, January 23, 2012


A mug that I brought home from my parents that is still filled with pennies.  I thought this was an unusuall looking guy and when you google him you find out he was one of the first scientist that used chemicals to create medicine.  On the other side of the mug it is labeled Zantac.  I can't figure out where my parents would get this mug.

One more mouth to feed.  Cali now comes for a meal in the morning and in the afternoon.  I assume she is staying in a garage or shed somewhere.  As I mentioned before, someone else is feeding her.  She likes soft cat food and if she isn't hungry she just won't eat the dry stuff.  This photo was taken in the summer during her leaner times.

I spent my day being a science teacher and doing two classes of middle school physical education. We had a two hour delay this morning as the roads were covered with a glare of ice.  The rural roads were probably dangerous but the buses did all make it to school.  Thanks for stopping by my post.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting mug! Probably a freebie from a visit to the dr.

    I know Cali appreciates the soft food.
