Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snow on the roof........

My ceramic houses weather the seasons year round.  The shelf actually was a wooden box that I recycled into a shelf. The houses were made by former students of mine who didn't take them home.  I have a collection of houses like these that I made, one a year, as example works for students to see. I won't put mine outside but I do have them in storage right now. I may have to photograph them some of these days to share.

Natural patterns are created from the stems of the wild rose while in the background you can see man made pattern.  The fence wire keeps Barney and Button inside their backyard area.Barney could jump the kiddie fence but it is his territorial marker.  If the gates gets left open by a meter reader he sometimes comes to the house as he is scared he would get into trouble because of it.  When he escapes he heads to the side door of the house and waits for us to let him inside. His first 7 months of life were out on the loose in a town in Missouri and I don't think he ever wants to revisit his past.

My spirea bush takes on a different look with snow sticking to it's branches. The red in the back is a bright red birdhouse or something that sits on the neighbor's porch.  It really shows up when you enlarge it.

The yew shrub takes on more whiteness and seems a little weighed down from it's ice and snow. This Tuesday we will almost hit above freezing.  We may loose a little of it.  The refrozen snow that is ice on the ground needs to be gone

I will be a computer tech person today. I have taught continually for quite some time so a tech job will be welcomed. Out of over 200 students to receive there computers last week we still have twenty that haven't picked their Mac up from the office.  I will be dealing with those today to see if we can't get them out to the students. Each one needs to be set up and a password installed to personalize the student's computer. 

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Love the shelf made from the old wooden box and the houses are very interesting.

    Everything looks pretty covered in snow, but of course, the ice is not welcome at all.

    Have a nice day at school.

  2. The snow does a nice job of adding interest to the plants and shrubs. Gives the dull brown of winter a little brightness. Hope your day is a good one.

  3. Barney is a good dog! He isa Border Collie..they know all the ropes. Wow your school system must have lots of money or a sizable grant to get 200 Macs:)
