Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Yes we do have snow.  It comes with a lot of very cold temperatures.  We may warm up today, 32 F.  but it will get down to 7 degrees F. tonight.  That is minus 14 degrees C. to my friends in other parts of the world.

My wife gave this snowman cookie jar a few years back and when you lift this lid off the base it plays a little song.  Of course the song is Let It Snow and it tells everyone that I am sneaking a cookie.

Left behind are a few small ornaments that fall off the tree and hid under the furniture.  I thought I had picked it up but I must have just thought it and not done it.  I will toss it into another box or leave it out on the bookshelf ready to join it's friends next December.  My wife still has her teddy bear tree up and that is fine with me.  It is easier to take things down into the basement on scattered days and then I can keep the area stacked neatly.

I will finish off the post today with a little flower power.  I have become so good at fertilizing the violets on a regular basis that it really shows that I am doing it.  It is violet fertilizer so I don't have to figure out which kind to buy and it requires me to put eight drops of it in my watering container each time.  If they keep it simple and I can do it each time then the old man can keep on track. The furnace is really keeping them dried out so I do have to watch them to be sure they are not getting to be too dry. 

I am a computer troubleshooter today and I am fine with that.  It is a lot of busy work and is just as hard as teaching all day, but it is the variety that I like.  Besides, computer stuff doesn't always have to have it's behaviors corrected and it doesn't need to be sent to the office.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

1 comment:

  1. That's a "bad" snowman to tell on you when you sneak a cookie!

    The violets are so pretty.

    I hope your day goes smoothly. I know you are anxious to get home and get our of the frigid temps.
