Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Busy creating.......

Charles Schultz's little guy is busy making a Valentine perhaps because he doesn't want to buy a card.  I did get my flowers ordered for my wife Monday evening and they are paid for and will be delivered today.  I bought big this year because I don't buy her flowers very often any more and she does deserve them. She has put up  with me for 27 years plus and she still remains my Valentine.

I forgot how some adults who work at school love Valentine's Day.  One lady makes gourmet cupcakes, many kinds, and another was just busy with the sugar cookies and pink frosting.  I have resisted so far and will make it through first hour before hitting the sugar!!!!!!!

I had to scrape ice off my windshield this morning.  It wasn't too bad and it wasn't very cold compared to the temperatures we have been having.  I think we might even melt off some of our snow today as it will be three or four degrees above freezing.

I am a band teacher today.  The first hour is a study hall which has nothing to do with the teaching of band.  The middle school students though during their band perioud are to take off and play their instruments all at the same time, but they won't be playing the same song.  I guess that is called non band to me because of its lack of organization.  I hate non band.

I am taking my wife out to eat for the big V day but it will be tomorrow.  We are going to do a few errands at the same time so we will make all of our experiences happen on the same day.

 A reposting of some of my antique Valentine's from my mom and grandma's collection.

Everyone have a good day today and thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Happy Valentime's Day!
    We didn't get much of a snow storm here a dusting of snow and some ice. Hope you had a good band day.

  2. And I wrote that to a teacher, sorry my spelling was bad.

  3. Some younger people say Valetimes not knowing what the real word is. I make typing errors all the time. When I go back a read old blogs I sometimes have to go in and correct the spelling or wrong words used.

  4. Hope the two of you enjoy your day!!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Della! Hope your evening out was great! We stayed in cooked together and had a chocolate cookie:)

  6. Hope you both enjoyed your Valentine dinner. I enjoyed seeing your antique Valentines; what a special collection.
