Monday, February 13, 2012


 I can imagine a lot of my blogger friends are smiling because I bought another plant.  I don't need any more plants. The thing is that it is so extremely cold and when you go to the store and see the green living thing, you have to buy it. It reminds me of what life might look like in spring.

The neighbor lady was telling of her piles of garden catalogs that were tempting her to buy plants for spring.  I guess that if I do plant tomato seeds that I must do it next month for sure.  After last years crop I swore that I wouldn't plant any tomatoes ever again.

It is a nice little schefflera that said "buy me" so I did.  We had a large plant like this for years and it finally got so big and lanky that I somehow left it outside to freeze one fall day.  This is only about 7 inches tall and I will have to repot it soon.  I know the greenhouse that it was in made it look extra green but I will keep it in a window and make it grow big.

The site is back and you can watch these two while they nest, lay eggs and hatch out their babies. You have already missed the mating part but we are certain now that the eggs have been fertilized.  She hasn't lain any eggs yet but it is expected to happen soon. Check it out and bookmark it for your own personal curiosity. They successfully raised three chicks last year.

Click below on site that is in light gray. It is so light gray that you can't see it.

American History, Economics and 7th grade history is the name of the game today. Thanks for stopping by my post.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the local garden center yesterday. I wanted everything in there!!! I know better, though. I bought two artificial topiaries!

    Thanks for the interesting link!
